post a job

No excuses. Get your job opps in front of thousands of creative and diverse women.

Just one chair to fill? We’ve got you.


All good things come in threes.


Get the attention of your next diverse team.


*All of the above options are valid for 3 months from purchase.


Thank you for being here. You’re here because you know that diverse teams are smarter, more creative, and are more profitable.

This intersectional job board that features posts from companies in advertising, fashion, music, tech, and beyond. Any role within the fields listed above are welcome.

How it works:

  1. After payment you’ll receive an email with a link to fill out your company profile. You’ll also receive a link to a downloadable FAQ pdf.

  2. When we receive your company profile, we’ll send you a form to fill in your job posting information.

  3. Jobs will be posted on the following Monday of each week and will be active for 30 days.

Let’s find your people.

did you know?

83% of millennials are more engaged at work when they believe their company fosters an inclusive culture.

67% of job-seekers say that diversity is an important factor to them when evaluating companies and job offers.

Diversity fosters more creativity and innovation in the workplace.

Female millennials look for employers with a strong record on diversity - PwC

The most gender-diverse companies are 21% more likely to experience above-average profitability. - McKinsey